
Traveling Trunks for Teachers

Traveling Trunks

Kits offering artifacts and lesson plans to enhance classroom learning.

Our traveling trunks program brings history to the elementary school classroom. Two options, each brimming with lesson plans, artifacts, images, and more. Trunks are available for teachers to borrow, for free, for two weeks. For more information, or to check out a trunk, call (562) 206-2040 or emailย LauraW@RanchoLosCerritos.org.

Handling History: Exploring Daily Life on the Rancho in the 1840s โ€“ This trunk provides a rich understanding of daily life on one of Southern Californiaโ€™s great cattle ranches during a pivotal decade in the stateโ€™s history. The Handling History curriculum guide includes five integrated, comprehensive units, as well as historical artifacts, maps, and image that focus on the daily activities of ranch workers and their families.

Through Childrenโ€™s Eyes: Rancho Life with Harry and Sarah in the 1870s โ€“ This trunk dramatically enhances student understanding of daily life on a 19th-century sheep ranch. By looking through eyes of the Ranchoโ€™s children, Harry and Sarah Bixby, students will learn about work and workers, domestic lifestyles, and the similarities and differences between their own lives and the lives of 19th-century children. Through Childrenโ€™s Eyes includes detailed lesson plans, creative classroom activities, and a wide selection of artifacts and photographs. These provide classroom teachers with the tools they need to present interactive explorations of Californiaโ€™s ranching history.

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