

RLC offers both guided and self-guided tour options for visitors. Guided tours in English are offered during public hours on a first come first served basis. Spanish tours are offered on the 4th Sunday of each month and by appointment. Please email us at LauraW@RanchoLosCerritos.org to schedule a tour in Spanish.

Docent-led Tours

House Tours

A docent will lead you on a tour of the historic adobe, covering RLCโ€™s history from pre-colonization to the present.

Garden Tours

A docent will lead you on a tour of the gardens, including the California native garden, orchard, and historic backyard.

Self-paced Tours

Visitors who want to add content to their stroll can borrow a laminated Self-Paced Tour brochure from the Visitor Center or download one below.

Walking Tour of the RLC Grounds and Adobe English

Walking Tour of the RLC Grounds and Adobe Spanish

Walking Tour of the RLC Grounds and Adobe Khmer

Walking Tour of the RLC Grounds and Adobe Tagalog

Mobile Device Tours

Using the Clio app or website, you can take a tour using your smart device during public hours. (https://theclio.com/entry/24000). There are two versions of the tour.

Get Clio

  • Self-paced tour: 
    https://www.theclio.com/tour/1384. This tour includes the native garden, adobe house, orchard, and backyard and requires the use of stairs and loose-dirt pathways. To begin this tour enter the California Native Garden at the entrance closest to the Visitor Center.
  • Accessible self-paced tour: 
    https://www.theclio.com/tour/1385. This tour loops around the backyard and can also include the adobe house. It includes both brick walkways and packed-dirt pathways.  To begin this tour, park in the accessible spaces in the forecourt parking lot.

Scavenger Hunt

Family Scavenger Hunt is available in English and Spanish at the Visitor Center or downloadable below.

Scavenger Hunt English

Scavenger Hunt Spanish

Stroll the Grounds

Visitors are welcome to stroll the groundsโ€”signs posted throughout the house and gardens for exhibit descriptions and wayfinding.

Make a Donation

Your generous donation ensures the continued operation and preservation of one of California's most important historical and cultural sites