
Thank you, Long Beach Post Readers!

by Rancho Staff
March 6, 2019
RLC takes home three LB Post Best of LB 2019 Awards in: Best Wedding Venue, Best Summer Camp, and Best Historic Architecture.

Your votes counted! Rancho Los Cerritos is proud to announce wins in THREE categories in this year’s Long Beach Post’s Best of Long Beach 2019 Reader’s Choice Awards:

  • Best Wedding Venue
  • Best Summer Camp
  • Best Historic Architecture

More than 150,000 votes were tallied in this year’s polls overall, and we are thrilled that RLC was honored in these three categories. We thank everyone who took time this year to vote in this year’s Best of LB 2019 Awards!

Are you looking to book a wedding or arrange a summer camp session during our 175th Anniversary year of 2019? Please reach out to us at: rancho@RanchoLosCerritos.org

Categories: Long Beach, rlc175, Weddings
Tagged: Best of LB 2019, Long Beach, RLC175, Summer Camps, weddings

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