
Garden Updates

by Rancho Staff
September 10, 2020

Grass Resodding

Our grass is being resodded so that it will look great for when we can have in-person events in the future. This means that starting September 11th portions of the grass will be roped off so that the new grass can take root and grow lush and healthy! You can enjoy all the walking paths and non-grass portions of our gardens freely when you visit Wednesday through Sunday.

Moreton Bay Fig

Last week a branch fell from our historic Moreton Bay Fig, temporarily closing the backyard. Our horticulturist, Marie Barnidge McIntyre, has this to report; “This was caused by sudden branch drop, a condition that occurs during hot seasons and we still donโ€™t understand why. That is why I have the Ficus pruned at the beginning of summer and that usually is adequate.” Thankfully our iconic tree is standing tall and the backyard has now reopened for you to enjoy safely.

Victorian Box

Unfortunately, the heat did damage our Victorian Box tree causing, it to be uprooted. “We will lose the whole Pittosporum (Victorian Box) in the corner where the backyard, forecourt, and Orchard meet. It tipped over and is resting on the wall.  60-70% of the canopy was removed to reduce weight and the rest will come down next week. This is one of our bee trees so we will leave the trunk intact as Ray [our beekeeper] traps out the bees so we donโ€™t have to kill them. We sealed the bees inside with a screen yesterday to protect the tree crew but we have to let them out by next week to keep them healthy in the heat. Once the bees are removed we will cut up the balance of the trunk,” reports Marie. Pictured: the Victorian Box with its trunk resting on the brick.

Categories: Gardens, Visitor Information
Tagged: bees, trees

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